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The Configuration menu item in Linkar MANAGER opens to a set of tabs:


EntryPoints : This includes definitions for both Profiles and the EntryPoints within them.

Users : These are users authorized to access Linkar Suite via the Manager, Linkar Clients, or the REST API.

Linkar Config : Details for accessing the Manager and the Server.

Activation : Maintenance of Linkar licences.

Plugins : Separate products which use Linkar as a primary data access component

Alarms : Configuration of outgoing email account for sending alarm messages to the Admin

Master Parameters : Parameters used by Linkar Functions to represent the data.




At the far left of this set of tabs is a button for the New EntryPoint Wizard to guide the administrator through all fields.


Tip: If the tabs are not seen at the top of the page, look for the dropdown/arrow icon:



On first opening the Configuration area, the EntryPoints configuration grid shows available Profiles and includes a + New Profile button.

From Profile configuration, options are available to install the MV Components to the defined DBMS server.


With the DBMS server defined and MV Components installed, a new EntryPoint can be configured.


The administrator will start on this page, and continue on to the next pages, to:


Create a Profile to define a DBMS Server.

Install MV Components in a LINKAR account in each profile server.

Enable accounts for use with Linkar, creating pointers to the Linkar account.

Create EntryPoints within a Profile to access DBMS accounts using a preferred Connection Type.

Activate Linkar with Lite or PRO licences.

Use MV databases as a data source from Plugins.


With a Profile and EntryPoint configured and verified, click the red Start Linkar Server button at the top-right of the Manager.

If there are errors, please see the topics under Installation: Check Services and Error Messages.

See Network Issues and Permissions for possible issues related to firewalls and TCP ports.