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Linkar MV Components

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Each MV product and application has its own way to install the database-side components. For example, some products start with an account restore, others use a workstation application to push all programs and MD/VOC items, then commands are issued to compile and run the installer.


Linkar does a bit of both. Required MV Components are provided for each platform in the form of a "pseudo floppy", which is a .VTF, .D3P, or similar platform-specific backup file. This file must be put into the file system where it can be accessed by the database. The Linkar installer attempts to do as much as possible to attach the device, load in the resources, and then execute commands as described above.


All of this is managed through Linkar MANAGER using terminal emulator that is built-in to the browser. After a Profile is defined, from Install MV Components a Telnet or SSH connection is established with the database, where you the administrator help to guide the process. A few operations are performed and a prompt displays to ask if everything looks like it worked. This repeats until the installation is successful.


This approach was created in response to a Linkar v1 pattern where each installation presented a completely unique complication - as is common with products like this. This new installer for v2 balances concerns about trying to put too much or too little on either the client or server side of the installer. As a browser application, the Manager also eliminates the need for "thick" installer applications unique to different operating systems.


We understand that this is a very different approach to installing a MV product. We're proud to have created a well-balanced, stable, and effective mechanism to solve this common complex problem. We welcome feedback about your experience and preferences with this aspect of Linkar MANAGER.




Linkar MV Components must be installed in a single account, in each database server described by a Profile. This should be an account dedicated for the purpose, and by convention the account is usually named LINKAR. If there is more than one Profile for a single database instance, there only needs to be one LINKAR account.


The LINKAR account needs to be created by the administrator prior to installing the Linkar-specific components.

Using a preferred terminal emulator or other tools, please create a LINKAR account. The account can have a password if required. Linkar does not need to login to this account.


The LINKAR account, and the user logged in for the installation, must have permissions to create files, use the editor, and compile and catalog BASIC programs.

Before using the Manager to access the LINKAR account, please login to the account, and try a CREATE.FILE (CREATE-FILE) using a name like TEST, just to be sure there are no underlying issues.


As part of this installation process, the installer asks if you wish to enable other data/application accounts for use with Linkar. These would be accounts that are later setup for access with EntryPoints. If this is desired, the logged-in user must have permissions to copy file pointers (and perhaps catalog entries) from the LINKAR account into the application accounts.




Also in this process, the installer asks if you wish to setup Linkar Demo files and programs in an account. An account setup with demo files can be used by the Linkar Tester application. In v1 to v2, Tester is a Windows application that shows nearly all Linkar functionality, along with code that shows how to perform common interactions. In v2 the Tester is being ported to a browser application, accessible from the Manager. Please continue to use the desktop application until the browser application has been fully developed. A shortcut is placed on the Windows desktop during the initial installation.


The account typically setup like this is named DEMO.LINKAR but can be any name. If you wish to use the Tester functionality, please create a DEMO.LINKAR account like the new LINKAR account. DEMO.LINKAR must first be Enabled for Linkar, like any other data account. Then it is setup for Demo usage. To do this, the logged-in user must have permissions to LOGTO the account, and create files and MD/VOC items in that account.



If creating a new Profile, please continue with Install MV Components.


If updating MV Components, see also Install/Update MV Components.


The next pages provide information about what is installed into the LINKAR account.