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Linkar Web Services is a "no develop" REST API service platform that allows to expose, through a series of operations, or EndPoints, the data coming from one or more Linkar Server's EntryPoints.

In the same way that Linkar Framework allows you to access your data through code libraries, LinkarWS allows you to do it through HTTP requests.

It is not necessary either to develop BASIC routines to expose the data, unless you want to run your own subroutines.

LinkarWS provides all custom EndPoints documentation via Swagger files.

The potential of LinkarWS lies on its flexibility when it comes to configuring its operation:

MultiAPI.                You can expose multiple APIs using the same Web Server

MultiInstance.                You can publish multiple Web Servers on the same device

MultiPlatform.                LinkarWS can be installed on Windows, Linux, Mac and Docker






LinkarWS meets OpenID standards and integrates several operation modes covering different ways of handling authentication and authorization. These modes are as follows:


None: The API will be completely public.

APIKey: By using an APIKey the operation is authenticated and authorized. This mode allows to operate in a similar way to the previous versions of Linkar REST API.

Oauth2.0: Grants authentication and authorization control to LinkarWS using OAuth 2.0 and OpenID standards.

IdentityServer4: Users having an IdentityServer4 identity server can connect it to LinkarWS to delegate authentication to the identity server..


The functional components of LinkarWS are:

Linkar Web Server.

Linkar Web Services: Uses Kestrel Web Server to Manage and redirect requests to the corresponing Linkar Framework operations.

LinkarWS Manager: Allows to configure all the functionalities and create the APIs to be exposed.


On this link you can see the list of all the EndPoints that Linkar Web Services offers.