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Master Parameters

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Parameters used by the Linkar and Linkar Schemas Functions to represent the data in other Relational environments. These parameters are copied to each new EntryPoint and can be customized later in Linkar Schemas.






Date Output Conversion


string, Mandatory

MV Format

Output date conversion by default. If there is a Custom date conversion in the property, it will be used.

Time Output Conversion

string, Mandatory


MV Format

Output time conversion by default. If there is a Custom time conversion in the property, it will be used.

MV DateTime Separator


string, Mandatory

! ' " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

Separator character for DateTime in the database.

For instance, 18671,43200 will be 12.00 p.m. on 12 February 2019.

MV Boolean True

string, Mandatory



The character used in the database for all Boolean True values.
Examples: 1, Y, T

MV Boolean False


string, Mandatory


The character used in the database for all Boolean False values. Null or empty will always be False.
Examples: 0, N, F

Convert Numeric and Boolean data types in Json



If this option is checked, JSON will be built with numeric and boolean values. Otherwise, all val-ues will be of string type.

Output Boolean True


string, Mandatory


The character used in output for all Boolean True values returned from the database.
Examples: 1, Y, T

Output Boolean False


string, Mandatory


The character used in output for all Boolean True values returned from the database.
Examples: 0, N, F

MV Decimal Separator


string, Mandatory

. , none

(dot, comma, none)

Decimal character separator in MV Data. If there are no decimals, none will be used.

Table Row Separator

Integer, Mandatory


A decimal character to separate rows in an output table. The default value is 11.

Table Columns Separator

Integer, Mandatory


A decimal character to separate columns in an output table. The default value is 9 (tab).

Other Languages




A comma-delimited list of languages that are used in the application. English and the languages defined here will be used.

For instance: ES,FR confirms that Spanish and French are used in addition to English.

Language IDs used here are not validated. Any code can be used for any languages as long as consistency is used throughout the application.