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QMClient can only be used for connections to QM. QMClient is the recommended Connection Type for this database, though Socket and Terminal connections can also be used in all environments.


EntryPoints will connect to QM databases through dynamic link libraries provided by Zumasys (32 and 64-bit versions).


Depending on the operating system on which Linkar SERVER is running:


QMCLIBLIB.DLL libraries for Windows Operating Systems.

QMCLILIB.SO for Linux Operating Systems.

QMCLILIB.DYLIB for iOS Operating Systems.

As much as we at Kosday try to help with connection issues, ultimately it is the responsibility of the developer/administrator to install and configure the platform-specific connectivity tools. Kosday supports the Linkar product, and our ability to "support" usage of other products is limited. Therefore, our recommendation for all connection types, is for the developer to install and test the tools according to the guidelines provided by the vendors. When successful connections have been confirmed, configure Linkar to work with that environment.


(Screenshots on this page show the bottom part of EntryPoint Configuration)


In Linkar MANAGER, properties with a green label do not need a restart of the EntryPoint after a change.



Database Host


Display Only


Shows the database server host from the Profile.

Database Port




TCP port on which QMClient is listening. By default, QM this is 4243.

Timeout in Database Answers




New received requests

The maximum time in seconds to wait for a response from the database.

The operation is canceled and an error is returned to the Linkar Client when there is no response after this time period.

The Database Session remains until closed by the client or other normal processes.

If an expiration time of 0 is defined, requests default to never timeout. It would therefore be strongly recommended to set a timeout in the Linkar CLIENT application code.


Database Username




The QM database user that opens the connection. (Possibly OS user.)

Database Password (URL)




Password for the QM/OS User. Or URL to obtain the password via REST web service

Database Account




Data account on which the requests will be executed. The data account must already be enabled for use with Linkar SERVER.

Encrypted Communication between the database and Linkar SERVER



Check to use the QMClient feature to encrypt data traffic between the database and Linkar SERVER.