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Navigation: LinkarWS Operations

Function Operations

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EndPoints that can run all operations of Function type. These operations are:


Subroutine. Executes a subroutine.

Execute. Allows execution of any command in the database.

Conversion Input. Returns the result of executing the ICONV() functions on an expression list in the database.

Conversion Output. Returns the result of executing the OCONV() functions on an expression list in the database.

Format. Returns the result of executing the FMT function on an expression list in the database.

GetVersion. Returns the Linkar Components Version and the EntryPoint parameters.

LkSchemas. Returns a list of all Schemas defined in Linkar Schemas or from the MV account associated with the current EntryPoint. This version of LkSchemas is used to obtain LKSCHEMAS type schemas.

LkSchemas Dictionaries. Returns a list of all Schemas defined in Linkar Schemas or from the MV account associated with the current EntryPoint. This version of LkSchemas is used to obtain DICTIONARIES type schemas.Creation options are allowed for DICTIONARIES type schemas.

ResetCommonBlocks. Resets the COMMON variables where the 100 most used files are saved.