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Resets the COMMON variables where the 100 most used files are saved.


GET: api/v1/<apiresource>/ResetCommonBlocks

<apiresource>ApiResource name. e.g. apidemo.

Example: api/v1/apidemo/ResetCommonBlocks







This is a free text field to send in the transaction. If not empty, subroutine SUB.LK.MAIN.CONTROL.CUSTOM will be called. Add custom code to that subroutine to define special behaviors for some or all transactions.



This is the maximum time in seconds that the client will wait for a response. Use 0 for no timeout.

(*) Mandatory




Request Body






On all kind of responses, an ERROR tag will list all possible errors during execution of the operation. This tag includes CODE tag with the error codes and MESSAGE tag with messages of each error.

In responses of type "text/plain" (LkString MV), error codes and messages are separated by multivalue marks.



The image below shows an example of the result of executing the operation.





The image below shows an example of the result of executing the operation.





The image below shows an example of the result of executing the operation.

The response will be displayed in TEXT format.

This response is a chain of characters structured in sections, named "LkString".

For more information about the different tags in this response, click here.