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LinkarWS Operations

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On LinkarWS Manager section "Swagger Publisher", it is possible to generate a JSON file with EndPoints to run LinkarServer operations.


LinkarWS runs these operations using Linkar Framework libraries. Once EndPoints are defined, LinkarWS is capable of running the following operations groups:


CRUD Operations

EndPoints that allow execution of Read, Update, New, Delete and Select operations on Database files.


Function Operations

EndPoints that allow execution of different types of operations such as Subroutine, Conversion, LkSchemas...


SendCommand Operations

EndPoints created for these operations are POST type and allow execution of all kind of Crud operations and Functions using different available templates in the request body.


Custom Operations

Special EndPoints, similar to SendCommand Operation ones, with fully customizable input and ouput data.


Admin Operations

Special EndPoints, e.g. check if LinkarWS is active.


User Operations

Special EndPoints available only when LinkarWS is set on OAuth 2.0 authentication mode and are used for new users automatic registration and password changes.


API Resources can be generated on LinkarWS Manager and their scopes define available files and operations.



Swagger URL Example


URL to access Swagger have the folllowing structure:





"localhost", can be an IP or a DNS name that LinkarWS listens to. Default listening port is 12000.

"apidemo", name of the JSON file located in wwwroot/swagger/docs (inside LinkarWS installation folder). This file is created from LinkarWS Manager's Swagger Publisher section. By default, the file name is the ApiResource or ApiKey name and can be changed by the user.


Response Types and HTTP status code

Usually,  all EndPoints have 3 possible response types:






“application/json” and “application/xml” types are almost self-explanatory. Anyways, this section contains  the different tags that can be part of this responses.


"text/plain" is more complex. Its a structured chain of characters, containing tags and sections as well. This chain of characters is literally what LinkarServer returns as a result of the executed operations. On LinkarServer context, this chain of characters is named "LkString". Find more information on "text/plain (LkString MV)" section.