New programs executing may trigger an Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware (AV) warning. Of course the exact software is OS-dependent, and every such package scans different details.
The Linkar background services include an internal web server, and as this is a network-oriented process your system may be concerned about security.
Linkar MANAGER is a browser-based application. The program LinkarManagerControl.exe is executed by the installation program to launch your default browser to the manager web page, and connect to the background service web server.
Some AV software will send the file out for analysis to ensure it is safe.
While generally not recommended for unknown software, the Linkar installation should proceed with fewer interruptions if the AV software is disabled for 10 minutes, which is more than enough time to install. |
The first opening of Linkar MANAGER may fail because of this. Be sure your AV software isn't putting the program files into a "virus chest". Check to see if you need to add an Exclusion for the programs or the folder where the Linkar Suite was installed. Here is an example of output from one AV package: