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Navigation: Installation > UnInstalling

Uninstall From Windows

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Any of these methods can be used in Windows:


Method 1:

Open Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, and uninstall the Linkar Suite.


Method 2:

Tap the Windows key, type Linkar, then from Linkar MANAGER options choose Uninstall.


Method 3:

Right-click the Linkar Suite MSI installer and select Uninstall from the context menu.


Watch for prompts for confirmation, administrator permissions, etc.


On completion of the above, reboot the system. This is required in Windows to delete Windows Services and related registry keys. For more information, see System Reboot.


To completely remove Linkar Suite, go to %ProgramData%\KOSDAY\LinkarSuite to delete all logs, statistics, and configurations :


There are many reasons for uninstalling. The next step is dependent on our purposes.


For development or diagnostics, or when a system is moved or repurposed, it's important to "start fresh", delete and recreate all configurations with a new installation. This removes details about other servers, REST API details, and old Schema details.

For an upgrade where we do not expect low-level changes, copy out the config.xml file, ConnectionCustomTemplates.xml, and WebApi.xml.


Then delete the entire KOSDAY folder.


At this point, Linkar Suite is completely removed, though there might be just a couple lingering registry entries pointing to the above folders. These are usually removed with common registry cleanup tools, and they should be replaced with a new installation of Linkar.