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System Reboot

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May be required

If the Linkar MANAGER service still fails to start, reboot the system. There could be unregistered registry entries or perhaps an old DLL in the chain of executables that needs to be refreshed. This may happen if a prior version of Linkar was uninstalled, or Linkar is installed on top of an existing installation, and services need to un-register before new services with the same name can register. After a reboot, Check Services again.



We recognize that rebooting a system is not an elegant solution. We also understand that rebooting a server is not easy in many installations with active users and processes. However, this is often required when installing complex applications, and when an installation seems to be moving smoothly but things still don't work. While we always hope that we don't need to do this, and for Linkar a reboot is rarely required, it is nevertheless a recommended diagnostic step after considering other options.