The services can be started and stopped from the macOS shell with standard commands. Doing this may reveal helpful error messages.
•launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/LinkarServer.plist
•launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/LinkarServer.plist
•launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/LinkarManager.plist
•launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/LinkarManager.plist
All versions of LinkarManager and LinkarServer (services and processes on all operating systems) include the argument "--ip=value" where "value" is the hostname or IP address to be used instead of the one loaded from the Config.xml configuration file.
You can also use the LinkarManagerControl utility (in the Linkar installation folder) to start and stop both services instead of using the standard OS commands.
Run LinkarManagerControl /HELP for help.
If your operating system does not support these commands, use the CustomServiceCommands.xml file
If the service fails to start, the issue could be with Permissions on the user starting the service.
If errors display, see Error Messages.
See also Network Issues which might reveal an issue with the hostname or IP port for the socket listener which the service is trying to start.