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The installer file of Linkar Web Services has the following name:




Where “x”, “y” and “z” stand for the numbers corresponding to the program version.


This file starts the installation or update and has to be executed with administrator permissions, by right-clicking the icon and selecting "Run as administrator".


Before proceeding, the program will ask you to confirm that the installation is being executed as administrator. If that's the case, press they "Y" and "Enter" keys.






The installation menu has the following options:

1.-        Install a new instance of LinkarWS

2.-        Update an existing instance

0.-        Exit

Installation of a new instance


Update of an existing instance






We will update an existing LinkarWS instance by choosing option 2 on the main menu.


An application must be stopped before being updated. If a runninfg application is detected, the update process will be cancelled.


If the validation process determines that the indicated folder exists and contains a valid LinkarWS Installation, the update process will begin.



The update process will copy the new files to the corresponding folders.