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System Labels

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System labels are special labels that can be part of some endpoint elements. Those are replaced in runtime by the real values that they represent.


The label list is as follows:




Name of the EntryPoint used to access the DataBase.


EntryPoint username.


Language code for messages returned by LinkarServer (optional).


Optional text associated with the EntryPoint.


Optional code for plugins used by LinkarServer.


Name of the ApiResource to which the EndPoint belongs.


APIKEY value in Api Key mode.


Internal descripcion of apikey in Api Key mode


JWT token value in OAuth2.0 mode.


IP of the host from which the request is made.


HTTP headers of the request.

They are presented using key=value pairs, separated with the Escaped VM mark. (|253)


Full URL to access the endpoint.


Concatenation of multiple system tags and other structured data in the form of an MV buffer.

Is a list of MV attributes separated by the AM mark. These are the attributes:

1- Host: Host part of endpoint url.

2- Path: Url part after host and before query strings.

3- Querystrings: Final part of endpoint url.

4- FULLENDPOINT: Full url to access the endpoint.

5- REMOTE IP: Access source IP address.

6- HTTP HEADERS: HTTP headers.

7- RESOURCE NAME: API Resource name.

8- APIKEY: APIKEY value.

9- APIKEY: Internal description of apikey

10- JWT: JWT token value.

11- LINKARENTRYPOINT: Name of the EntryPoint used to access the DataBase.

12- LINKARUSER: EntryPoint username.

13- LINKARLANGUAGE: Language code for messages returned by LinkarServer (optional).

14- LINKARFREETEXT: Optional text associated with the EntryPoint.

15- LINKARPLUGREF: Optional code for plugins used by LinkarServer.



As mentioned, these system labels can be used on different elements of the EndPoints:


oIn all CRUD and FUNCTIONS EndPoints, within the “CustomVars” element.


oIn all CRUD and FUNCTIONS EndPoints of type POST (Update, New, ...), inside the request body.


oIn the SENDCOMMAND and CUSTOM EndPoints in any part of the request body.



Pay Attention: All MV marks in the content of the variables (also those explicitly included in %LKWS_HEADERS% and %LKWS_REQUESTDATA%) are replaced by the following sequence of characters:


IM: |255

AM: |254

VM: |253

SM: |252

TM: |251