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Through this Endpoint, if the client has the "Enable New User Endpoint" option activated, new users can be registered.


POST: api/v1/<apiresource>/user/Register

<apiresource>ApiResource name. e.g. apidemo.

Example: api/v1/apidemo/user/Register







El nombre de una entidad de tipo Cliente



El nombre de una entidad de tipo Identity Resource




Request Body

Only the “mediatype” “application/json” is allowed.


You must provide the username (USERNAME), password (PASSWORD), email address (EMAIL), scopes (SCP) and if you want to automatically register the user or not (REGISTER AUTOMATICALLY).

An email will be sent to the email address indicated in the "Administrator email to receive notifications" box of the client.






The return will be a simple “Success” string if the new user is successfully registered, otherwise it will be an error string.