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Terminology Refresher


Many products have their own "language" which can seem confusing to newcomers. These terms are used throughout the Linkar ecosystem.


MultiValue databases based on the Pick and Prime model.

Port, PID, PIB, Line
DBMS licence/process

A single CRUD operation or execution of a BASIC subroutine.

Connection, Session, Database Session
Logged-in Port for use with Linkar. A Database Session is established when Linkar SERVER does a login to a DBMS Port. The terms "Line" and "Connection" are sometimes used interchangeably, when the state of the DBMS port might or might not be connected. The state of Database Sessions are shown in the Linkar MANAGER EntryPoint Monitor.

A definition for a single DBMS server.

A definition for a single DBMS account to be accessed by a specified socket/port and Connection Type.

- A Linkar Client library allows for creation of a client application, which is used by clients (browser users, mobile app and other device users, kiosks, other applications, etc) that are connecting to Linkar SERVER.
- A Linkar Client is simply a client to Linkar Server - it is the device or application using a client library for client/server transactions.

Client Session
A Linkar Client application may Login with CredentialsOptions and begin a Client Session which is then associated with a Session ID. Transactions associated with this ID are a part of that Client Session until Logout. Active client sessions can be viewed in the Client Session Monitor in Linkar MANAGER.
A Linkar Client can also use a static/shared function with CredentialsOptions for a single Direct transaction. This is seen in the Client Session Monitor as a VOLATILE connection.

Broken Line
A broken line is a Database Session that is hung, in debug, or otherwise inaccessible. The "BROKEN" state may be released by special processing. See Refresh Settings.

License / Licence
In British English, Canadian English, Irish English, Australian English, South African English, and New Zealand English the noun is spelled licence and the verb is license. This is the convention used in this documentation. In the USA, license is both the noun and the verb.