Set of Libraries that allow the communication of an application with the Linkar SERVER and through it with the different databases.

The programmer can request and receive the information needed by the application through its functions.
Depending on the selected programming environment or the language used, the application communicates with the Linkar SERVER through the different Client Libraries and then the application accesses the databases.

Programmers request and receive data required by a client application through functions provided by the Linkar CLIENTS.

Linkar shows a consistent API for many languages to many MVDBMS platforms. Applications do not need different tooling, depending on the MV database, choice of programming language, OS of the client, or OS of the server. All Linkar CLIENT connectors communicate with the Linkar SERVER, which is then responsible for access into all MV systems.

There are Linkar CLIENTS compatible with different programming languages and environments:

  • The .NET Framework libraries are for Windows x64 and x86 environments, and languages including C#, Visual Basic, and F#.
  • The COM Library found in the .NET Framework package supports COM development, including Excel and Word VBA, and PHP over Windows.
  • The .NET Core libraries are for multi-platform development including Windows, Linux, and Mac with C#.
  • Mono libraries are also for multi-platform development including Windows, Linux, and Mac with C#.
  • Java is for all OS types.
  • The C Library can be used with all languages and environments, including within PHP, Python, and Node.js.
  • The PHP Extension is used over Linux.
  • There is a Python Extension.
  • There is also an extension specific to Node.js.
  • The lksendcommand is a cross-platform console application, embedding Linkar CLIENT, to perform operations from the OS command-line and scripts. For example, you can write a .bat file or shell script that sends and retrieves data to/from the MV server for any purpose, from MVBASIC to connect with other different MVDBMS type.

This Video Shows how a simple application can be created in C#

Existing Client Libraries for different environments:

.NET Framework Client
.NET Core Framework Client
LinkarClientMono.dll Mono Framework Client (Windows, Linux, Mac)
LinkarClientCOM.dll Languages compatibles COM (php, office VBA, …)
Java Client
Linkar FRAMEWORK for C
LinkarClientC.dll / LinkarClientC.lib
Windows C libraries
Linkar FRAMEWORK for C / libLinkarClientC.a
Linux C libraries
Linkar FRAMEWORK for Node.js
Node.js libraries
Linkar FRAMEWORK for Python
Python libraries
LinkarClientPHP PHP extension using C Libraries

This executable commands line provides an easy way of executing the templates of the SendCommand function from different environments.

For example, from a Windows bat file or from a Basic Program to access the data from other remote databases.

SendCommand function allows different operations to be made, through a standard template in (XML and JSON), in a synchronous or asynchronous way.

For instance, you can read the name of customer with this template:

Copy to Clipboard

Linkar can use four types of Functions:


Exclusively from OOP (OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING) and that allows the creation of a LinkarClt object that manages all the operations.

After creating the object, it is necessary to Login, through a Session code; this allows it to make all the desired operations until a call to the Close method is produced or until the session expires because of inactivity. This is defined in its EntryPoint.

They are useful for applications that require user identification, for instance, to log into an ERP session.


Used for direct and independent communication with the database.

Its arguments contain the necessary information to identify the user before returning the required information.

Unlike persistent functions, these do not have a Session Code, each call is completely independent of the others and does not have Login or Close functions.
They are used for database access from public websites, for instance online shops.


This type of function does not need to access the database.

They are executed in the client and their goal is to ease the management of the MV buffers.


C auxiliary Functions are exclusive for C libraries.

These functions do not access the database.

They are executed in the client and their goal is to allow easier management of other complex C functions.

There are no classes or objects in C, these functions are used to create encoded strings that emulate other languages.

Linkar also supplies other types of calls:


These are executed in the same thread of the main application, so they block the execution of the application until they finish.


These are executed in a new thread, so they do not block the execution of the application. A return method is required when a call is made (Callback) which is triggered when the operation is completed.

C libraries do not implement this type of calls.