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LinkarClt Methods

The LinkarClt type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleConversion
Returns the result of executing ICONV() or OCONV() functions from a expression list in the Database, in a Synchronous way.
Public methodCode exampleDelete
Deletes one or several records in file, in a synchronous way
Public methodCode exampleDictionaries
Returns all the dictionaries of a file, in a Synchronous way.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleExecute
Allows the execution of any command from the Database in a Synchronous way.
Public methodCode exampleFormat
Returns the result of executing the FMT function in a expressions list in the Database, in a Synchronous way.
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetLocalVersion
Get LinkarClient version
Public methodCode exampleGetTable_Text
Returns a query result in a table format, in a Synchronous way.
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleGetVersion
Allows getting the server version, in a Synchronous way.
Public methodCode exampleLkProperties
Returns the Schema properties list defined in Linkar Schemas or the file dictionaries, in a Synchronous way.
Public methodCode exampleLkSchemas
Returns a list of all the Schemas defined in Linkar Schemas, or the EntryPoint account data files, in a Synchronous way.
Public methodCode exampleLogin
Starts the communication with a server allowing making use of the rest of functions until the Close method is executed or the connection with the server gets lost, in a Synchronous way.
Public methodCode exampleLogout
Closes the communication with the server, that previously has been opened with a Login Function, in a Synchronous way.
Public methodCode exampleNew
Creates one or several records of a file, in a synchronous way
Public methodCode exampleRead
Reads one or several records of a file in Synchronous way.
Public methodCode exampleResetCommonBlocks
Resets the COMMON variables with the 100 most used files in a synchronous way.
Public methodCode exampleRunSubroutine(String, String, String, Int32)
Executes a subroutine, in a Synchronous way.
Public methodCode exampleRunSubroutine(String, Int32, String, String, Int32)
Executes a subroutine, in a Synchronous way.
Public methodCode exampleSelect
Executes a Query in the Database, in a synchronous way.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleUpdate
Update one or several records of a file, in a synchronous way.
See Also