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LinkarCltNew Method

Creates one or several records of a file, in a synchronous way
Persistent Method.

Namespace:  LinkarClient
Assembly:  LinkarClientCOM (in LinkarClientCOM.dll) Version: (
public LkData New(
	string filename,
	string recordIds,
	string records,
	NewOptions newOptions = null,
	string customVars = "",
	int receiveTimeout = -1


Type: SystemString
File name where you are going to write.
Type: SystemString
It's the records codes list you want to write, separated by the Record Separator character (30). In case they are empty, you will have to use one of the newOptions options.
Type: SystemString
Are the records you want to write, separated by the Record Separator character (30).
newOptions (Optional)
Type: LinkarCommonNewOptions
Object that defines the following writing options of the Function: recordIdType, readAfter, calculated, dictionaries, conversion, formatSpec, originalRecords.
customVars (Optional)
Type: SystemString
It's a free text that will travel until the database to make the admin being able to manage additional behaviours in the standard routine SUB.LK.MAIN.CONTROL.CUSTOM. This routine will be called if the argument has content.
receiveTimeout (Optional)
Type: SystemInt32
It's the maximum time in seconds that the client will keep waiting the answer by the server. By default -1 (wait indefinitely).

Return Value

Type: LkData
Returns an object of type LkData with the results of the operation.
LinkarClt lkClt = new LinkarClt();
CredentialsOptions crdOpt = new CredentialsOptions("", 11300, "admin", "admin", "ENTRYPOINT");

string filename = "LK.CUSTOMERS";
string recordId = "101";
string inputData = "..."; // Buffer with the content of the new record
NewOptions newOptions = new NewOptions();
LkData lkDataNew = lkClt.New(filename, recordId, inputData, newOptions);
See Also