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Linkar Classes

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Linkar classes are normal classes that implement several methods to work with the Linkar Client.


There are four types of classes according to the information that is wanted to be returned


Singular: A singular class is equal to a record in the database. It must implement some GetItem/SetItem methods that will be used to supply the class based on an LkString and viceversa. They implement CRUD basic options (Create, Read, Update and Delete).

Plurals: Singular class objects lists. They implement Selection functions.

MV: These classes will group multivalue methods when their values need to be synchronized.

SV: These classes will group subvalues when their values need to be synchronized.



LinkarClt class functions can generate three exception types:


SocketException. Errors originated in communications between the Linkar SERVER and Linkar CLIENT.

LkException. Originated by different error conditions when there is an incorrect execution of LinkarClt methods and functions.

Exception. Generic exceptions.


In the Kosday repository on GitHub you can find many examples