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Automatic Classes

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Exclusive for .NET, Core & Mono


Some functions can accept and return values directly from a class. These classes must contain extra information in their properties to be able to link with the data sent or received.


The data dump regarding the classes is made through reflection, record by record. This means that it will take a little longer to process each record.


For this reason, it is not recommended that a great number of records be obtained at once.


This is achieved through the following metadata:


·MVProperty: this attribute tells the Linkar client that he must try to supply this field with the operations information. The following properties are used to link the feature with its internal value.


AttributeNumber: Number of the property attribute. It is compulsory to specify this property or the Dictionaryname property.

DictionaryName: the name of the property dictionary. It is compulsory to specify this property or AttributeNumber property.

InternalType: Data conversions that will be made in the client.

None: Default value, indicates that the conversion type is not required by the client.

InternalDate: The value is saved as an internal date

FormatedDate: The value is saved as a formatted date.


·MVCalculated: The client must try to supply this calculated field with the operations data. The following properties are used to link the feature with its internal value:


DictionaryName: The name of the calculated dictionary. This property is mandatory.

InternalType: Data conversions that are made in the client.

None: Default value, a conversion type is not required by the client.

InternalDate: Value is saved as an internal date.

FormattedDate: Value is saved as a formatted date.


·MVList: This is used on list type objects and indicates that the Linkar client must go across to collect their values and complete them. When situated in the main class is understood that it is a multivalue list, in a secondary class, they will be treated as subvalues, and from there to next they will be ignored.