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All Linkar SERVER errors generated by client side actions are returned back to the client. However, errors that occur in the Server are registered in log files. Such errors include those which occur from misconfiguration, server startup issues, incidents with communications with a database, and errors in communication with the client processes.


In Windows, the log files are in the %ProgramData%\KOSDAY\LinkarSuite\LOGS folder.

In Linux and macOS, the log files are in the /etc/KOSDAY/LinkarSuite/LOGS folder.



You can also see them in Linkar MANAGER, under Linkar Logs > Server.



Structure of LOG file names:









There is a MV file in the DBMS, LK.LOG, which records errors produced in the SOCKET and TERMINAL connection types within the database There is a separate LK.LOG file for each Account defined in each EntryPoint. Maintenance of these files is not automatic at this time. Old records should be deleted regularly with site-preferred scheduled processes.


These files are important in the event of any installation or runtime problems, to be able to send information to Kosday Support.