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CredentialsOptions Fields

The CredentialsOptions type exposes the following members.

Public fieldEntryPoint
The EntryPoint Name defined in Linkar Server.
Public fieldFreeText
Free text that will appear in the Linkar MANAGER to identify in an easy way who is making the petition. For example if the call is made from a ERP, here we can write "MyERP".
Public fieldHost
IP Address or hostname where Linkar Server is listening.
Public fieldLanguage
Used to make the database routines know in which language they must answer. The Error messages coming from the Database are in English by default, but you can customize them.
Public fieldPassword
Password of the user Linkar Server.
Public fieldPluginId
Internal code to enable its use in Linkar Server. Used by Plugin developers.
Public fieldPort
Port number where the EntryPoint keeps listening.
Public fieldUsername
Linkar Server username.
See Also