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LinkarCommon Namespace

Namespace containing the auxiliary classes to work with Linkar's .NET clients.
Public classASCII_Chars
Some ASCII characters used by Linkar.
Public classCfgServerParameters
Public classCredentialsOptions
Contains the necessary information to connect to the Database.
Public classDBMV_Mark
Special ASCII characters used by Multivalued Databases.
Public classDeleteOptions
Object that works as an argument in Delete function and defines the function options.
Public classLkData
Object that returns in several properties the result from a call with MV type of return. It´s used just as return in some of the functions.
Public classLkException
The LinkarClt methods and functions can generate type LkException exceptions when a LINKAR system error occurs.
Public classLkPropertiesOptions
Contains the options to obtain the list of Properties of the different types of schemas with the LkProperties function.
Public classLkSchemasOptions
Contains the options to obtain different types of schemas with the LkSchemas function.
Public classMvFunctions
In this class you will find the basic functions to work with multivalue strings.
Public classNewOptions
Object that works as an argument in New function and defines the function options.
Public classReadOptions
Object that works as an argument in Read function and defines the function options.
Public classRecordIdType
Object that works as an argument in NewOptions function and defines the techniques for generating codes.
Public classRecoverIdType
Object that works as an argument in DeleteOptions function and defines the techniques for recovering deleted codes.
Public classSelectOptions
Object that works as an argument in Select function and defines the function options.
Public classTableOptions
It contains the options to perform queries with the GetTable function, using the different types of schemas.
Public classUpdateOptions
Object that works as an argument in Update function and defines the function options.
Public enumerationCONVERSION_TYPE
The conversion type for Conversion functions.
Public enumerationDATAFORMAT_TYPE
Indicates in what format you want to receive the data resulting from the operation.
Public enumerationDATAFORMATCRU_TYPE
Indicates in what format you want to receive the data resulting from the operation.
Public enumerationDATAFORMATSCH_TYPE
Specify the output formats of LkSchemas and LkProperties operations(For other operations, see DATAFORMAT_TYPE).
Public enumerationENVELOPE_FORMAT
Used by the SendCommand operations to indicate in which format the operation is being performed.
Public enumerationERRORCODE
Enumerated type of the error codes.
Public enumerationLOG_CATEGORY
Public enumerationROWHEADERS_TYPE
Indicates options to include headers in the first row or not.