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TableOptions Constructor (Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32)

Initializes a new instance of the TableOptions class.

This constructor will be used when you want to perform queries of the SQLMODE type schemas. It is allowed to specify options for creating queries of SQLMODE type schemas.

Namespace:  LinkarCommon
Assembly:  LinkarClientCOM (in LinkarClientCOM.dll) Version: (
public TableOptions(
	bool onlyVisibles,
	bool applyConversion,
	bool applyFormat,
	bool calculated,
	bool pagination = false,
	int regPage = 10,
	int numPage = 1


Type: SystemBoolean
Use only Visible Schemas and Properties.
Type: SystemBoolean
Execute Conversions: With Dictionaries, conversion defined in the dictionary. With Schemas conversions defined in Linkar Schemas.
Type: SystemBoolean
Execute Formats. With Dictionaries, formats defined in the dictionary. With Schemas formats defined in Linkar Schemas.
Type: SystemBoolean
Return the resulting values from the calculated dictionaries.
pagination (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
Indicates if pagination is being used or not.
regPage (Optional)
Type: SystemInt32
In case of pagination indicates the number of records by page. It must be bigger than 0.
numPage (Optional)
Type: SystemInt32
In case of pagination it indicates the page number to obtain. Must be greater than 0.
See Also