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Revision 2.1.3                16 OCT 2020

 WARNINGS (if you already have Linkar Suite installed)

If you use Automatic Classes in .NET you must update the Linkar Client DLLs.


0000612: Automatic Classes. HotFix with Calculated option in false


Version 1.5.0                01 APR 2019

GetVersion extended function.


New LkSchemas, LkProperties and GetTable functions.


New Linkar Client library for .Net Framework Core.



Version 1.4.0        01 JAN 2019


 Create a new LinkarClientJS.js module in Client Libraries to ease connections between Node.js and Linkar SERVER.


 PYTHON Demo has been moved to \ Demos \ PYTHON folder, along with the module, and is ready to run.


 A new Demo for Node.js has been included.


     Exception generation in non-COM assembly functions of Linkar Client's is included. A new LkException class has been included to manage specific Linkar exceptions.


Version 1.3.0        20 NOV 2018


 New module in Client Libraries to facilitate the connection between Python and Linkar.


 Linkar CLIENT: the order of the arguments reflected in documentation did not correspond with the real ones in the Direct Synchronous Delete <T> method.

                   The order of arguments "DeleteOptions, deleteOptions" and "string originalRecords" have been exchanged to coincide with the documentation and with the usual order of the other methods.


 BUGs in C Library:

         The "host" argument of the "LkCreateCredentialsOptions" function did not work with the domain name. It now supports either IP or the domain name.

         Correct values of the "newOptions" argument were not sent to the Direct NewD function server in certain circumstances.

         Correct values of the "updateOptions" argument were not sent to the Direct UpdateD function server in certain circumstances.

         Correct values of the "deleteOptions" argument were not sent to the Direct DeleteD function server in certain circumstances.

         Correct values of the "selectOptions" argument were not sent to the Direct SelectD function server in certain circumstances.

         The LkGetLocalVersion function did not return the correct version of the client.

         "" library compiled with the reference to the "crypto" library


 New functions in C Library:

         void LkFreeMemoryStringArray (char ** ptr, uint32_t count) Allows all assigned memory blocks to be released by functions that return char ** data (such as LkGetErrorsFromLkString, LkGetRecordsFromLkString, etc ...)

         void WrapperPy_LkFreeMemoryStringArray (char * ptr, uint32_t count) PYTHON cannot invoke the LkFreeMemoryStringArray function directly. PYTHON can invoke the LkFreeMemoryStringArray function indirectly using this    wrapper.


 ERRATA in documentation: The argument order of "LkCreateCredentialsOptions" function in C library was not correct.


 ERRATA in "linkarClib.php": LkReplace result operation was not being applied to the original record


 Correct version of Linkar is shown in the properties of the executable files (LinkarService.exe, LinkarManager.exe, LinkarTester.exe, and LKSendCommand.exe) and client libraries (LinkarClient.dll and LinkarClientCOM.dll).



Version 1.2.0        01 OCT 2018


         Corrected BUG in Linkar TESTER: In Select operation tab, Custom Vars text box values were not collected

         Corrected BUG (undeclared variable) in linkarClib.php



Version 1.1.0        01 AUG 2018                


New Client Library for Languages and Environments compatible with C Libraries, such as PHP, NodeJS, etc.

New DEMO under PHP Linux and C Library with PHP Extension



Version 1.0.0        01 MAY 2018

