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This command-line executable provides an easy way to execute the templates of the SendCommand function from different environments


SendCommand function allows operations to be performed, using a standard template in XML and JSON format, synchronously or asynchronously.


For example, lksendcommand can be used from a Windows .bat file or from a BASIC Program, to access data from a remote MV database.


On Windows the syntax is: lksendcommand.exe [options]


On Linux and macOS the syntax is ./lksendcommand [options]








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IP address or hostname where Linkar SERVER is located




EntryPoint port number





EntryPoint name





Linkar SERVER username





Linkar SERVER user password




language that is sent to the database




free text sent with the commands




File path where the file you want to execute is located



text of the directly specified command in the console



File Path with the command result, in case of not specified the result will appear in the console



message format (XML or JSON)



CodePage, characters set used for the text codification



Remove the labels that evolve the command in the result of the operation



When mv output format is selected, Linkar sends the data encoded in Base64. A new  /B option has been added that will decode Base64 before creating the MV buffer




In the demo /lksendcommand folder there are script examples and command files that execute them so you can try some Linkar functions.


In Windows, see script demo_lksendcommand.cmd, which must be modified with local credentials before execution.




SET host=

SET entrypoint=E1

SET epport=11500

SET user=admin

SET pass=admin

SET freetext="From lksendcommand"

SET encoding=""


lksendcommand.exe /F:XML/New-None.xml /U:%user% /W:%pass% /H:%host% /P:%epport% /E:%entrypoint% /T:%freetext% /O:NewResponse.xml /M:XML /C:%encoding% /R



In Linux and macOS versions, it is called









freetext="From lksendcommand"



mono lksendcommand.exe /F:XML/New-None.xml /U:$user /W:$pass /H:$host /P:$epport /E:$entrypoint /T:"$freetext" /O:NewResponse.xml /M:XML /C:$encoding /R


In the MV components there is a command called LK.DEMO.SENDCOMMAND that executes operations against any database connected to Linkar from BASIC.