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GetVersion, GetVersion_Text, GetVersionAsync, GetVersionAsync_Text

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Returns the Linkar Components Version and the EntryPoint parameters, synchronously or asynchronously.



* hasError

(only C)



Only in C functions: bool pointer used in the C functions that indicates the return of the function is a system error and must be communicated to the Linkar SERVER


* callback






Return type in asynchronous methods. For further information see ASYNCHRONOUS CALLS

* credentialsOptions





Object that defines the necessary data to access the database: Username, Password, EntryPoint, Language, FreeText. In the C Direct Functions, it is a char*

* connectionInfo

(only C)


Only in C Persistent Functions: string that is returned by the Login function and contains all the necessary connection data. This data is necessary in persistent functions.



enum DataFormat.TYPE

typedef uint8_t DataFormatTYPE;





Indicates format of the data to be received : MV, XML or JSON.




This is a free text field to send in the transaction. If not empty, subroutine SUB.LK.MAIN.CONTROL.CUSTOM will be called. Add custom code to that subroutine to define special behaviours for some or all transactions.








This is the maximum time in seconds that the client will wait for a response. Use 0 for no timeout. This is a function-specific override : -1 in a Persistent function defaults back to the timeout defined in the LinkarClt constructor.



This function can generate exceptions.

In COM assemblies, a return value of type String will contain an error message if an error occurs when performing the operation.



This function returns the following information (see Schema EntryPoint Parameters for schema values)


LKMVCOMPONENTSVERSION        MV Components version.
LKSERVERVERSION                        Linkar SERVER version.
LKCLIENTVERSION                        Used client library version.
DATABASE                                Database.
OS                                            Operating system
DATEZERO                                Date zero base in YYYYMMDD format.
DATEOUTPUTCONVERSION                Output conversion for date used by Linkar Schemas.
TIMEOUTPUTCONVERSION                Output conversion for time used by Linkar Schemas.
MVDATETIMESEPARATOR                DateTime used separator used by Linkar Schemas, for instance 18325,23000.
MVBOOLTRUE                          Database used char for the Boolean true value used by Linkar Schemas.
MVBOOLFALSE                        Database used char for the Boolean false value used by Linkar Schemas.
OUTPUTBOOLTRUE                        Used char for the Boolean true value out of the database used by Linkar Schemas.
OUTPUTBOOLFALSE                        Used char for the Boolean false value out of the database used by Linkar Schemas.
MVDECIMALSEPARATOR                Decimal separator in the database. May be point, comma or none when the database does not store decimal numbers. Used by Linkar Schemas.
OTHERLANGUAGES                    Languages list separated by commas.



       GetVersion. Persistent Functions

       GetVersion. Direct Functions

       GetVersionAsync. Persistent Functions

       GetVersionAsync. Direct Functions