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StringFunctions Methods

Linkar Framework for .NET and Core

The StringFunctions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberComposeDeleteBuffer(String, String) Compose the fully buffer of the Delete Operations with the block of "recordIds" and "originalRecords".
Public methodStatic memberComposeDeleteBuffer(String, String) Compose the fully buffer of the Delete Operations with the block of "recordIds" and "originalRecords".
Public methodStatic memberComposeDictionaries Composes the final string of various "dictionaries". Used by Read and Select Operations.
Public methodStatic memberComposeExpressions Composes the final string of various "expressions". Used by Format and Conversion Operations.
Public methodStatic memberComposeNewBuffer(String, String) Compose the fully buffer of the New Operations with the block of "recordIds" and "records".
Public methodStatic memberComposeNewBuffer(String, String) Compose the fully buffer of the New Operations with the block of "recordIds" and "records".
Public methodStatic memberComposeOriginalRecords Composes the final string of various "originalRecords". Used by CRUD Operations.
Public methodStatic memberComposeRecordIds Composes the final string of various "recordsIds". Used by CRUD Operations.
Public methodStatic memberComposeRecords Composes the final string of various "records". Used by CRUD Operations.
Public methodStatic memberComposeSubroutineArgs Composes the final string of various "arguments" of a subroutine.
Public methodStatic memberComposeUpdateBuffer(String, String, String) Compose the fully buffer of the Update Operations with the block of "recordIds", "records" and "originalRecords".
Public methodStatic memberComposeUpdateBuffer(String, String, String) Compose the fully buffer of the Update Operations with the block of "recordIds", "records" and "originalRecords".
Public methodStatic memberExtractCapturing Looks for the CAPTURING_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractConversion Looks for the CONVERSION_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractDictionaries Looks for the RECORDS_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractErrors Looks for the ERRORS_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractFormat Looks for the FORMAT_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractOriginalRecords Looks for the ORIGINAL_RECORDS_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractRecordIds Looks for the RECORD_IDS_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractRecords Looks for the RECORDS_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractRecordsCalculated Looks for the CALCULATED_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractRecordsCalculatedDicts Looks for the CALCULATED_DICTS_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractRecordsDicts Looks for the RECORD_DICTS_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractRecordsIdDicts Looks for the RECORD_ID_DICTS_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractReturning Looks for the RETURNING_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractRowHeaders Looks for the ROWHEADERS_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractRowProperties Looks for the ROWPROPERTIES_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractSubroutineArgs Looks for the ARGUMENTS_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberExtractTotalRecords Looks for the TOTAL_RECORDS_KEY tag inside "lkString", and extracts its value.
Public methodStatic memberFormatError This function formats the message error by split into Error Code and Error Message.
See Also