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OperationArguments.GetSelectArgs Method

Linkar Framework for .NET and Core

Compose the 3 items (CUSTOMVARS, OPTIONS and INPUTDATA) of the Select operation.

Namespace: Linkar.Functions
Assembly: Linkar.Functions (in Linkar.Functions.dll) Version: 2.3.1
public static string GetSelectArgs(
	string filename,
	string selectClause,
	string sortClause,
	string dictClause,
	string preSelectClause,
	SelectOptions selectOptions,
	string customVars


filename  String
Name of file on which the operation is performed. For example LK.ORDERS
selectClause  String
Statement fragment specifies the selection condition. For example WITH CUSTOMER = '1'
sortClause  String
Statement fragment specifies the selection order. If there is a selection rule, Linkar will execute a SSELECT, otherwise Linkar will execute a SELECT. For example BY CUSTOMER
dictClause  String
Space-delimited list of dictionaries to read. If this list is not set, all fields are returned. For example CUSTOMER DATE ITEM
preSelectClause  String
An optional command that executes before the main Select
selectOptions  SelectOptions
Object with options to manage how records are selected, including calculated, dictionaries, conversion, formatSpec, originalRecords, onlyItemId, pagination, regPage, numPage.
customVars  String
Free text sent to the database allows management of additional behaviours in SUB.LK.MAIN.CONTROL.CUSTOM, which is called when this parameter is set.

Return Value

A string ready to be used in Linkar.ExecuteDirectOperation and Linkar.ExecutePersistentOperation.
See Also