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MvOperations.LkChange Method

Linkar Framework for .NET and Core

Replaces the occurrences of a substring inside a string, by other substring.

Namespace: Linkar.Functions
Assembly: Linkar.Functions (in Linkar.Functions.dll) Version: 2.3.1
public static string LkChange(
	string str,
	string strOld,
	string strNew,
	int occurrence = 0,
	int start = 0


str  String
The string on which the value is going to change.
strOld  String
The value to change.
strNew  String
The new value.
occurrence  Int32  (Optional)
The number of times it will change.
start  Int32  (Optional)
The position from which you are going to start changing values.

Return Value

A new string with replaced text.
string result = MvOperations.LkChange("CUSTOMER UPDATE 2þADDRESS 2þ444", "UPDATE", "MYTEXT", 1, 1);
String result = MvOperations.LkChange("CUSTOMER UPDATE 2þADDRESS 2þ444", "UPDATE", "MYTEXT", 1, 1)
See Also