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LkData Class

Object that returns in several properties the result from a call with MV type of return. It´s used just as return in some of the functions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  LinkarCommon
Assembly:  LinkarClientCOM (in LinkarClientCOM.dll) Version: (
public class LkData

The LkData type exposes the following members.

Public methodLkData
Initializes a new instance of the LkData class
Public propertyArguments
The arguments of the subroutine operation.
Public propertyCalculated
The calculated fields of the operation records separated by the ASCII code character 30.
Public propertyCalculatedDicts
The calculated dictionaries of the operation records separated by multi-value mark: AM
Public propertyCapturing
The capture of a command of the database.
Public propertyConversion
The result of Conversion operation.
Public propertyErrors
The error return of a command of the Database
Public propertyFormat
The result of the Format operation.
Public propertyInputData2
Input text of several functions.
Public propertyInputData3
Secondary input text of several functions.
Public propertyItem
Indexer that allows recovering a selection from the original string, based on its key. The keys are given as constants
Public propertyLkError
The system error return (only for COM assembly that does not work with exceptions)
Public propertyOriginalRecord Obsolete.
The copy of the original records sent to the operation separated by the ASCII code character 30.
Public propertyOriginalRecords
The copy of the original records sent to the operation separated by the ASCII code character 30.
Public propertyOutputData
The original string resulting from the operation.
Public propertyOutputElementsCount
Number of elements affected by the operation.
Public propertyRecords
The output records of the operation separated by the ASCII code character 30.
Public propertyRecordsDicts
The dictionaries of the operation records separated by multi-value mark: AM
Public propertyRecordsIdDicts
The Id's dictionaries of the operation records separated by multi-value mark: AM
Public propertyRecordsIds
The codes affected by the operation separated by the ASCII code character 30.
Public propertyReturning
The command return of the database
Public propertyRowHeaders
The content of the headers for the LkSchemas, LkProperties and GetTable operations.
Public propertyRowProperties
The content of the properties names for the LkSchemas, LkProperties and GetTable operations.
Public propertyThisList
Headers list included in the answer.
Public propertyTotalRecords
Number of records affected by the operation.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetFormatedError
Get the character strings of the errors, formatted. Replacing multi-value AM brands with line breaks.
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasData
Indicates if the result of the operation has any data.
Public methodHasError
Indicates if the result of the operation has any error.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public fieldStatic memberARGUMENTS_KEY
Saves the "ARGUMENTS" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
Public fieldStatic memberCALCULATED_DICTS_KEY
Saves the "CALCULATED_DICTS" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
Public fieldStatic memberCALCULATED_KEY
Saves the "CALCULATED" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
Public fieldStatic memberCAPTURING_KEY
Saves the "CAPTURING" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
Public fieldStatic memberCONVERSION_KEY
Saves the "CONVERSION" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
Public fieldStatic memberERRORS_KEY
Saves the "ROWHEADERS" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
Public fieldStatic memberFORMAT_KEY
Saves the "FORMAT" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
Public fieldStatic memberORIGINAL_RECORD_KEY
Saves the "ORIGINAL_RECORD" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
Public fieldStatic memberRECORD_DICTS_KEY
Saves the "RECORD_DICTS" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
Public fieldStatic memberRECORD_ID_DICTS_KEY
Saves the "RECORD_ID_DICTS" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
Public fieldStatic memberRECORD_ID_KEY
Saves the "RECORD_ID" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property
Public fieldStatic memberRECORD_KEY
Saves the "RECORD" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
Public fieldStatic memberRETURNING_KEY
Saves the "RETURNING" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
Public fieldStatic memberROWHEADERS_KEY
Saves the "ROWHEADERS" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
Public fieldStatic memberROWPROPERTIES_KEY
Saves the "ROWPROPERTIES" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
Public fieldStatic memberTOTAL_RECORDS
Saves the "TOTAL_RECORDS" and allows accessing to the OutputDataElements property.
See Also