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Version History

The topics in this section describe the various changes made to the .NET, Core and Mono Libraries Manual over the life of the project.

Version 1.5.0 - 01 APR 2019
  • Linkar adaptation in order to work with plugins. New argument in CredentialsOptions class for management the plugins.

  • GetVersion extended function.

  • New LkSchemas, LkProperties and GetTable functions.

Version 1.4.0 - 01 JAN 2019
  • Exception generation in non-COM assembly functions of LINKAR Client's is included. A new LkException class has been included to manage specific LINKAR exceptions.

Version 1.3.0 - 20 NOV 2019
  • The order of the arguments reflected in documentation did not correspond with the real ones in the Direct Synchronous Delete <T> method.

  • The order of arguments "DeleteOptions, deleteOptions" and "string originalRecords" have been exchanged to coincide with the documentation and with the usual order of the other methods.

Version 1.0.0 - 01 MAY 2018
