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DataFunctions Class

This group of methods contains the basic functions to work with LkStrings. These functions are locally executed.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  LinkarClient
Assemblies:   LinkarClientCore (in LinkarClientCore.dll) Version:
  LinkarClientMono (in LinkarClientMono.dll) Version: (
  LinkarClient (in LinkarClient.dll) Version: (
public static class DataFunctions

The DataFunctions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetArgumentsFromLkString
Text Function that extracts the subroutine arguments, separated by the separator character (20), of an operation resultant string.
Public methodStatic memberGetCapturingFromLkString
Text Function that extracts the CAPTURING value of an operation resultant string.
Public methodStatic memberGetConversionFromLkString
Function that extracts the conversion value of an operation resultant string.
Public methodStatic memberGetDictClauseForLkString
Text Function that creates the dictionaries string of lkString records based on a dictionaries list. Uses the separator character "blank space" (32).
Public methodStatic memberGetDictionariesFromLkString
Text Function that extracts all the file dictionaries of an operation resultant string.
Public methodStatic memberGetDictionaryIdsFromLkString
Text Functions that extracts the codes from all the file dictionaries of an operation resultant string.
Public methodStatic memberGetErrorsFromLkString
Text Function that extracts the errors from an operation resultant string.
Public methodStatic memberGetExpressionsForLkString
Text Functions that creates the expressions string of lkString based on an expressions list. Uses the separator character MV(253).
Public methodStatic memberGetFormatFromLkString
Text Function that extracts the format value of an operation resultant string.
Public methodStatic memberGetLstArgsForLkString
Text Function that creates the arguments string of lkString based on an arguments list. Uses the separator character DC4 (20).
Public methodStatic memberGetOriginalRecordsFromLkString
Text Function that extracts the copies from the original records of an operation resultant string.
Public methodStatic memberGetRecordIdsForLkString
Text Function that creates the codes string of lkString records based on a codes list. Uses the separator character RS(30)
Public methodStatic memberGetRecordIdsFromLkString
Text Function that extracts the codes from an operation resultant string.
Public methodStatic memberGetRecordsCalculatedDictionariesFromLkString
Text Function that extracts the dictionaries from the records of an operation resultant string.
Public methodStatic memberGetRecordsCalculatedFromLkString
Text Function that extracts the records calculated fields from an operation resultant string
Public methodStatic memberGetRecordsDictionariesFromLkString
Text Function that extracts the record's dictionaries from an operation resultant string.
Public methodStatic memberGetRecordsForLkString
Text Function that creates the records string of lkString records based on a records list. Uses the separator character RS (30).
Public methodStatic memberGetRecordsFromLkString
Text Function that extracts the records from an operation resultant string.
Public methodStatic memberGetRecordsIdDictsFromLkString
Text Function that extracts the ID dictionaries from an operation resultant string.
Public methodStatic memberGetReturningFromLkString
Text Function that extracts the RETURNING value of an operation resultant string.
Public methodStatic memberGetTotalRecordsFromLkString
Text Function that extracts the total number of records from an operation resultant string.
See Also