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LINKAR PowerBI Connector 2.0

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Linkar PowerBI Connector is a Linkar Plugin that connects Pick Style / MultiValue Databases with Microsoft PowerBI..

You can easily connect Basic Programmes.... directly with your database, without web services.


Power BI will "understand" your MV Database, including Multivalues and Subvalues. All the Power Bi power is in your hands.


All Files and Files Dictionaries defined in Linkar Schemas will be published in PowerBI.






Linkar PowerBI Connector connects with different MV Databases: OpenQM,D3,Universe, Unidata, jBASE, mvBase. (working in other Databases)
















Whatever  trademarks are mentioned in these pages belong to their respective owners, who own their Copyright and/or the associated trademarks..


D3, mvBase, MVSP, U2, Unidata, Universe, UniObjects belong to Rocket Software registered trademarks.

QM is a Zumasys Inc. registered trademark.

jBASE and jAGENT are Zumasys Inc. registered trademarks.

Microsoft .NET, Excel, Windows, SQL, PowerBI are Microsoft Corporation trademarks.

Java is a Sun Microsystems, Inc. registered trademark.

Mac is an Apple registered trademark.

Mono is a free and open-source project led by Xamarin, a subsidiary of Microsoft.

Python is a free licence programming language of Python Software Foundation

Node.js is a registered trademark of Joyent, Inc.


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